Monday, November 8, 2010

Edwards Family

Okay, this was such a great shoot! I have known Chris and Linda for quite a few years now. It was so nice to meet all of the little munchkins that they have created. They have three boys and a little girl. During the entire shoot the boys (Jude, Josiah and Jaris) wrestled, hugged, giggled and played with each other and little Annie was shy and sweet.
Derek and I had just recently decided that two kids was good enough for us, and although we would like a little girl, three boys might just be too stressful. Well, after watching these brothers interact, I sent Derek a text saying this. . .

"I just had the best shoot with 4 awesome kids and now I think I might want another one."

He quickly replied with this. . ..
"I don't."

Ha ha, so two for me it is. But while editing these pictures, that urge is coming up in me again. Uh oh.

Nothing like a good open mouth kiss. . . .ha ha
Poor Annie looks left out. You guys better try for another girl. ;)

Jude pulled this move out all on his own.

So Chris wanted to get one of him lifting all four boys. Great idea in theory . . . . until you get a tooth to the head.


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