First of all I want to apologize to all of my clients who are waiting for their photos. When I started this, my goal was to never go over 2 weeks with editing time. Well, as some of you know, you are sitting at about 4 weeks with no disc in hand. :( I definitely took on too much in September and October and I am paying for it now. I am being honest when I say that I am working as fast as I possibly can. I am limiting myself 5 hours of sleep at night so that I can get the editing done. Bottom line is that I am behind, and I will just keep trucking until it is all done. I now know how much is too much and will hopefully not run into this problem again. In the meantime, thank you so much for your patience and I hope I do not lose any of you as customers because of this. Second of all, I will be out of the country from tomorrow until Tuesday. My grandmother is ill and my mom, sister and I want to go down to Texas to see her while we can. I will have access to my email and facebook while there and my husband will be checking my messages here, it just might take me a day or so to get back to you. If you have a new baby and need pictures done, please contact me as soon as you can and we will make the appointment for as soon as I get back. I will be taking my brutally slow laptop with me so that I can get at least some editing done while down there.
Anyways, thanks again everyone for all of the support and comments and patience you have all given me!
So, until next wekk , here is my favourite picture I have ever done so far. . . . .
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